Friday, July 16, 2010

Blueberries Galore

Ripening News!
In the past few weeks there has been an abundance of plump, juicy, blueberries!

How to enjoy these delicious berries beyond snacking on them raw? Not that eating a sun warmed berry is not the best-oh because it is.

However, if you are like me and find yourself with several quarts full at a time and do not wish to turn into Violet (Willie Wonka's Chocolate factory) finding unique ways to store or make use of a surplus is a challenge I enjoy solving. If you do as well, please share your ideas & recipes.

This blueberry season has me making low sugar jams, pancakes, sorbets and frozen yogurt (Kitchen Aid Mixer Ice Cream Attachment).

Couldn't resist Rosewater's (Brooklyn, NYC) Blueberry Pistachio Pancakes - Definitely gonna make these at home!

Try these recipes

Low Sugar Blueberry Basil Sorbet

~2-3 pints fresh blueberries, cleaned (fills a blender about 2/3rds full)
`2 handfuls of whole, fresh, cleaned basil leaves (roughly 4 full stalks)
2 tbsp to a 1/4C of simple syrup (depending on how sweet you like your sorbet)

Rinse berries and basil well.
Place both berries and basil into blender, puree.  Taste at this point.
Add simple syrup 2 tbsp at a time, blend, and taste to determine the level of desired sweetness (this varies based on both pallet and ripeness & varietal of berry).

For Kitchen Aid Ice Cream attachment
Attach bowl and paddle, lock and turn machine on low speed.
Gently pour your blueberry mixture into working kitchen aid.
Mix for ~20 minutes.
For smooth and loose texture eat immediately.
For more firm texture- scoopable - place in freezer.
Will keep in air tight container in freezer for ~ 1 mo.

Low Sugar Blueberry Lemon Jam

5 cups cleaned, crushed, blueberries
1 cup water
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (or you made substitute 2 tbsp real lemon extract)
1 box no sugar pectin
1-3 cups sugar (varies pending on your taste preference, splenda for baking is also an option)

Follow pectin packet directions for cooked jams.

Flavor Variations:
-Substitute 1 cup coconut water for a tropical hint.
-Go high antioxidant jam substitute 1 cup acai or pomegranate juice for the water. 
-Substitute 1 cup of your favorite fruity White Wine -jam makes a flavorful cheese preserve.
- Add complimentary herb (basil, Thai basil, cilantro) pureed (using 1 cup water called for in recipe)- sounds strange but these flavors pair great with peanuts/peanut butter - think of Thai dishes (fruit + herb + nuts). Makes great jacked up PB&Js or paired with lamb.

Home Jamming/Canning Shortcuts
  • Sterilize jars in dishwasher
    • Run a cycle while prepping the jam. When ready open dishwasher, pull out only the amount of jars needed, keeping remaining hot and ready for next batch. Keeps kitchen cooler and saves on stove top space. 
  • No Need for Boiling Method for sealing. 
    • For fruit jams cooked- I don't need to use boiling canning method to seal jars. Simply heat your lids and rings in a boiling water bath. Upon filling hot jars, with hot jam, wipe rim, add sealing lid and screw on ring flip jars upside down to cool. The heat from the hot jam will generate the seal you need.
Blueberry Frozen Yogurt (Low Fat & Sugar)

2 cups Greek style yogurt (Fat free if you like)
1 cup Skim Milk (you may use all yogurt no milk)
1 small jar of home made LS Blueberry jam (recipe above)* I use this as my sweetener
1 cup whole or roughly chopped blueberries

Mix yogurt, milk and jam in blender. Add berries. Do not blend.

For Kitchen Aid Ice Cream attachment 
Attach bowl and paddle, lock and turn machine on low speed.
Gently pour your mixture into working kitchen aid.
Mix for ~30 minutes.
For semi-frosty style texture eat immediately.
For more firm texture- scoopable - place in freezer for an hour.
Will keep in air tight container in freezer for ~ 1 mo.
*If you prefer to avoid tart frozen yogurt, add simple syrup (2/3 c sugar 2/3 cup water, bring to a simmer, cool, add to mixture)

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